Aayush Goyal
1*, Rohit Shahapurkar
1, Balaji Aironi
1, Ninad Kotkar
1, Ankur Goel
11 P K Sen Department of Cardiovascular and thoracic Surgery, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India.
Pericardial effusion after midline cardiac surgery may be transudative or exudative. The exudative infective or haemorrhagic variety requires early surgical intervention. However there are rare cases of collections like chylomediastinum which should be ruled out. Their low incidence prompts to establish protocol for evaluating postoperative pericardial collections, which includes echocardiography and biochemical analysis of aspirate. The same is important from the perspective of management as chylopericardium may be successfully managed without surgical intervention by aspiration, pig tail insertion, dietary and medical management, which we demonstrate through our rare case which occurred after midline double valve replacement.